It’s important to keep in mind that business growth is a challenge. It is often a tough grind that takes a lot of things into consideration such as price, quality, marketing strategy, etc.

Some businesses take a short time to scale up while others take longer. You’ve probably witnessed tons of 2-year success stories but clearly, they are not the norm. 

On the other side of the coin, are the 8-year-plus success stories. That’s where the majority of businesses are.

It’s not really a question of whether the techniques the majority of businesses use work, but whether they are working fast enough.

When it comes to the rate of business growth, your whole business strategy determines how fast you grow.

There are dozens of ways you can achieve growth milestones faster. 

Keeping this in mind, we’ve prepared seven key strategies you can use to achieve fast and effective growth for your business.

1. Build on SMART Goals

Your first step is to base your business objectives around the SMART goal idea.

But what are SMART goals?

A SMART goal as popularized by HubSpot, is an acronym for a set of clear targets that you intend to achieve over a certain length of time.

SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Here are some of the questions you’ll be asking yourself based on the SMART goal framework: 

  • Is this goal specific or clear enough for everyone involved in the business to understand?
  • Can the goal be measured through relevant metrics to assess progress?
  • Is the goal attainable or is it just a pipe dream?
  • Is the goal relevant to the vision and mission of the business?
  • Can I achieve the goal over a certain period of time?

When your business objectives, both long-term and short-term are set within the SMART framework, it becomes almost impossible to lose track of what needs to happen how and when.

That is how invaluable the framework is. It ensures that every goal you set meets four distinct criteria that heavily increase its chances of success. This also means that any goal that doesn’t fit within the SMART framework is not worth pursuing.

2. Create Email Lists

Email marketing is a major factor in business growth and success. 

Of course, you can still reach out to online audiences and directly advertise your business page. But that is not an effective marketing strategy unless you have a way of capturing and retaining your prospects’ contacts. 

Email lists let you do that. From there you can follow up on prospects and guide them through the buyer’s journey cycle.

There’s a reason why email lists are more effective in bringing in conversions compared to social media.

3. Nurture Your Prospects

As a business looking to scale up faster, you can’t afford to lose a prospect because they didn’t know how to proceed.

You also don’t want to lose them because you went in for the kill too fast.

Imagine walking up to your crush and proposing, just like that, without ever having dated. 

What do you suppose will happen?

The same goes for business. Often prospective customers need to be reeled in. And that is why you see offers popping up all over the internet like “Get this one-time offer for free!”

Such incentives are used to entice leads into exchanging their contact info for the gift. The contact info then goes into an email list. From there the lead goes into the nurturing stage where they’re taken through a specific buyer’s journey.

A buyer’s journey is simply a series of stages your business has come up with to gently guide leads from the prospective stage until they become willing customers.

4. Work on Your Challenges

One of the major growth drivers in business is meeting expectations as promised.

When you advertise a product or service, customers approach your business already interested in what was advertised. It’s your job now to ensure you deliver as per your claims.

You’ll fall short and make mistakes from time to time. It’s normal. Even mega corporations are not immune to mishaps.

What happens after the mishaps is what matters. Always be quick to address these challenges as they occur. Customers do notice these efforts.

Identifying and working on your challenges informs your audience that you’re serious about quality.

5. Stay Informed

The business world is ever competitive. Couple that with tech advancements and you’re in a dizzying pace of change.

You can’t afford to stay complacent or play catch up whenever new ideas go mainstream.

You need to stay ahead of the curve and learn to adapt fast as changes manifest. This demands staying informed at all times, studying your competition, and making learning a continuous process.

6. Maintain Social Presence

Social media platforms have hundreds of millions of users. You want a piece of that pie to catapult your business.

Pick one or more platforms that suit your business’s ideals and go to work building your online brand.

Being readily available online improves your trust score and works as a quick point of contact with your audience.

7. Maintain Strong Customer Relations

There was a time when a customer support department was unnecessary baggage to many businesses.

This is not the case anymore.

Customer support is an integral part of a business today. It’s one of those definitive factors that could make or break your business depending on how you approach it.

Customers value caring and professional treatment. If you feel that you cannot give a 100% attention to this area, you can always look for a contact center in the Philippines to work on your customer service needs. .

Excellent customer service saves your clients time by addressing their issues quicker. This in turn fosters loyalty, which boosts your customer retention rates.


It is possible to fast-track your business growth. People do it every day. How fast it happens depends on you and your strategies.

What we’ve shared are just some of the core techniques you can weave into your business plan to develop robust strategies that yield fast results.

At the end of the day, your efforts and approach play a much bigger role in scaling your business faster.

Author bio

Caitlin Sinclair is the Property Manager at Cielo at Little Italy with five years of property management experience and many more in Customer Service. She shares her passion for her community and looks forward to making Cielo at Little Italy the place to call home.